Bought My First Bi-Cycle: Prince Vegas

Finally, I bought my first bicycle, Prince Vegas. :D YAY!!! Nowadays, cycling is increasing on the streets of Dhaka city catastrophically. Despite of risks of accidents in streets, I couldn’t keep myself away from cycling. Since my childhood, I’m very much fascinated about cycling. And at last, at the age of 16, finally I got my first bi-cycle. :)


Meghna Prince Vegas

Yeah, that’s the name of my bi-cycle. At first, I was looking for a gear bi-cycle, however the decision changed because this is my first bi-cycle. And many cyclists suggested that, as a beginner, I should go for a fixed gear bi-cycle. Besides, a gear bi-cycle would need a big increase in budget which I hadn’t in my mind.

So let’s see some pics of my first bike, Prince Vegas

Experience of Cycling

As I knew how to ride a bi-cycle before, so I didn’t have much hassle. I just rode & started cycling. The cycle is very well comparing the budget. The price is only 5600 taka. If your budget is around 3000-6000 taka.. This is the best cycle in this price range. (Some suggests Prince Alien/Hero Ranger Max also).


I’m having very delicate time riding on the bike. It’s my passion. :)


Aminul Islam Sajib
Aminul Islam Sajib

So it’s vegas, baby! huh? :P

I was so excited when I first got my Meghna Prince Toronto. I had fun time riding it although my genetic issue of sweating too much caused me a lot of trouble during riding. But that didn’t stop me. What stopped me was an accident that made my parents force me to stop riding bicycle.

I do miss it these days. But when I remember how much I used to sweat during the ride, I think I’m okay walking on foot. :P )

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