Aomei Backupper Review – The Best Free System Backup Software for Windows

 icon-briefcase Why Backing Up Your PC Is A Must?

Let’s just be honest. We all, at least once have faced a critical moment when you really need to turn your PC on, but the PC is not responding. It might be virus affected, or your 5 year old kid did some magic and the PC is not opening. It’s stuck and Windows tries to repair it every time and it fails each time. What do you do at that time? For a PC expert like me, I always keep a Ubuntu Live CD to copy my most urgent files at that time. However, you might not be familiar with it and that is why I’m going to write a full walkthrough and write Aomei Backupper Review.

 icon-question-circle What is A System Backup Software for Windows 7/8/8.1/10? – Aomei Backupper Review

A backup software safely backs up your whole drive. For example, in our case, let’s assume you want to backup C drive as it contains all the necessary Windows files so that you can recover from disastrous situation. So what it’ll do? It’ll safely backup your whole C drive/system partition in a different drive as a single file. So that you can restore the backup later.

 icon-list What are the advantages of backing up?

  • You can restore any time later so that you can have just the state you wanted to
  • You can system backup or backup any other drive which you think is important
  • You can rescue your damaged windows anytime by creating a rescue media (from USB/from CD)

 icon-laptop How do I backup using Aomei Backupper?

Backing up with Aomei Backupper is ridiculously easy.

 icon-download Download AOMEI BACKUPPER 

  • Install the program as regular program. You’ll be greeted with this window. If you want to backup C drive/system drive click system backup and if you want to backup another disc click Disk Backup

Aomei Backupper Review

  • Step 1 >> Shows your drive
  • Step 2 >> Shows your destination drive. You can select different drive.

Aomei Backupper Review

  • If you click “Start Backup” the software will start backing up

Aomei Backupper Review

This way the backup will be completed and you’ll have a single file at your destination which you can restore any time.

 icon-gear How to make a Rescue Media

  • Open the software from start menu
  • Navigate to Utilities
  • Click “Create Bootable Media” and follow on-screen instruction to create a media.

Aomei Backupper Review Rescue Media

 icon-star Why AOMEI Backupper is better than the competition?

Because the software is full free! If you want this type of software, most of the companies charge you. However, AOMEI Backupper gives you ability to backup & restore with ease without any payment. Moreover, backing up and restoring is fast & hassle free. Overall, it’s a great software and can help you in many ways.

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