Found this online, and I think it was pretty great.
If you’re an adult, do the stuff you couldn’t as a kid.
Like, me and my sister went to a museum, and they had an extra exhibit of
butterflies. But it cost £3. So we sighed, walked past, then stopped. We each
had £3. We could see the butterflies. And we did it was great. We followed it up
with an ice-cream as well because Mum and Dad weren’t there to say no.
I was driving back from a work trip with 2 other people in their early 20s, and we
drove past a MacDonalds. One of the others went “Aww man, I’d love a
McFlurry.” And the guy driving pulled in to the drive through. It was wild. But it
was great.
I went to a park over the weekend and I was thinking “Man, I’d love to hire one of
those bikes and cycle round the park.” It took me a few minutes to go “Wait, /
can hire one of those bikes!”
I guess what I’m saying is, those impulsive things you wanted to do as a kid –
see the dinosaur exhibit, play in the fountains with the other kids, lie in the shade
for 2 hours – you can do when you’re an adult. You have to deal with a whole lot
of other bull, but at least you can indulge your inner 8 year-old.
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